Ways To Honor A Loved One At Your Wedding | Maine Photographer & Videographer

Something I wish I didn't have in common with a lot of my clients is the shared loss of a parent. It's a pain that is heartbreaking and a lot of the feelings of grief resurface at the time of planning a wedding. It's a day you always imagined them being a part of - to have them not be with you feels unbearable. Or at least, that's how it was for me. I lost my Dad unexpectedly back in 2016 so when we got married in 2019 it still felt really fresh and difficult to navigate this next chapter without him. For me, I wanted to make sure his presence was sprinkled throughout our day as if he was a part of it - not as a memorial but more of a celebration.
Here's a few ways I weaved his spirit into our day...
I wrote a letter to him and read it to myself the morning of our wedding day. For me this was cathartic way of expressing my emotions and releasing them. I took a quiet moment to put my letter in a bottle and send it off into the ocean. Our incredibly talented videographers even weaved it into our wedding film in such a beautiful way if you want to watch.
The next way I honored him was walking down the aisle with my Mom to "Here Comes the Sun". Ever since he passed, the sun has always been a sign for me. I feel the warmth on days I miss him most and whenever I question his presence sun beams literally blind me with reminders. I believe it to be true so much in my heart that on our wedding day 30 minutes before the ceremony it started down pouring - rumbled thunder - and just as the ceremony was about to begin the sky opened up to the warmest bright light. We even got a double rainbow later in the day. There was no doubt in my mind he was there with us.

The last big way I honored him was by putting a shot of crown (his favorite) at each table setting. At the start of the reception I gave a short but sweet toast and invited everyone to the dance floor to take their shot and dance to Celebration. THAT is the way he would want to be remembered - bringing everyone out to laugh a little louder and dance a little longer.

There were other small things like getting married on the 22nd which has always been a family favorite number, or the momento on my bouquet, and the dance with my Mom. And I'm sure there are other pieces I'm missing because we do our best to keep his spirit alive but weaving pieces of him into our daily lives.
I've been inspired by my clients in the ways they choose to honor their loved ones, so I thought I would share a few that stuck out to me recently...

Hanni honored her Dad with a poem during the ceremony written so beautifully by Abby LeBlanc and read by her bridesmaid. It had us all in tears.

Lauren had this beautiful poem at her head table (I actually have the same one in my home) and also recreated this pose of her mother on her wedding day.

Kerry wore a robe to get ready in that was made from her Mom's wedding dress - how amazing is this?
There are so many beautiful, special, and meaningful ways you can incorporate your loved one into your wedding day. I hope this post inspired you to find a way that fits your personal relationship and keeps their spirit a part of your special day.