Martha & Logan | Couples Session

It only seems fitting to share this recent session of my dear friends Martha and Logan from a few weeks back – little did I know, it would be their last photo shoot as just boyfriend & girlfriend.
On Thursday July 16th Logan and Martha made the trip down to the Portland area where we celebrated their visit with a hibachi and a big ol’ scorpion bowl. Only a few short hours after leaving dinner with us, I received a call from Mart – “I JUST GOT ENGAGED!!” – I think I screamed a little too loud out of excitement. I couldn’t stop smiling – my heart was so happy for these two. After 8 YEARS! Logan finally asked Martha to be his wife. I couldn’t think of a better man to share forever with one of my very best friends.
So here’s to happiness, true love, forever – and many more photo-shoots! Now we have to schedule the engagement ones! I love you both and I’m so grateful to be able to capture your love story.